Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a "nose job," ranks among the most requested cosmetic procedures. Nose reshaping treatments include non-surgical and surgical approaches. The purpose can involve addressing previous injury or birth defects, improving breathing function, aesthetic refinement of the nasal profile, or a combination of goals.
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Everything about Rhinoplasty
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons defines rhinoplasty as reshaping the nose in proportion to a patient’s facial contours. Specific enhancements that can be achieved include straightening a crooked nose, shaving down nasal bones to smooth bumps, and refining, narrowing or reshaping the nasal tip.

Rhinoplasty ranked the third most popular cosmetic surgery in 2017 per ASPS statistics. Approximately 219,000 nose procedures took place that year—down slightly from 223,018 in 2016, but high demand persists for improving this central facial feature.

When performed by a skilled cosmetic surgeon, patients benefit from overall balanced and refined nasal aesthetics including enhanced symmetry, optics and breathing. Attention to nuances like achieving the optimal nostril show and bridge height complement the comprehensive reshaping.
Rhinoplasty Pricing
Rhinoplasty costs vary considerably based on technique. Non-surgical options such as Botox "nose jobs" may start around $100, while liquid rhinoplasty using injectable fillers often ranges between $1,000 to $2,000 per syringe depending on filler type used. Though affordable initially, the temporary effects mean repeat treatments are required over time to maintain improvements.

Surgical rhinoplasty requires a greater upfront investment but delivers lifelong refinements from a single procedure. Pricing typically falls between $3,000 to $15,000+ for first-time primary surgeries. Complex revision procedures can cost anywhere from $8,000 to over $20,000 depending on the specific nasal revisions involved. Overall most patients invest approximately $9,500 on average.

While surgical nose reshaping involves more initial cost, it is a one-time investment that permanently enhances nasal aesthetics. Check our complete guide for advice on budgeting and choosing the best surgeon for your goals and budget.
ideal candidate
What makes a good candidate?
Ideal candidates for open rhinoplasty may include:
  • Patients with severely crooked or asymmetrical noses requiring extensive structural corrections
  • Individuals with multiple complex reasons contributing to the deformity (e.g. injury aftermath + genetics)
  • Those needing major cartilage grafting procedures for reinforcement and shaping
  • Cases requiring optimal visualization like revision tip rhinoplasty or intricate redistributions
Optimal closed rhinoplasty patients may include:
  • Those with relatively minor nasal defects or irregularities
  • Individuals who don't need significant structural cartilage grafts or skeletal reconstruction
Endoscopic rhinoplasty ideal candidates might include:
  • Patients highly concerned about having no visible external scarring
  • Those with chronic sinus inflammation issues treatable via internal surgery
Liquid and paralysis rhinoplasty ideal candidates may include:
  • Individuals primarily seeking subtle or temporary nonsurgical enhancements
  • Patients with very minor imperfections aptly treatable via strategic Botox or fillers
Rhinoplasty generally isn't recommended for the following candidates:
  • Those medically at risk for anesthesia and surgical complications (e.g. unstable cardiac/pulmonary conditions)
  • Patients with known allergies to standard injectables used in nonsurgical rhinoplasty
  • Most individuals under age 18 as the procedure can affect still-developing nasal structure
  • Anyone deemed inadequately prepared physically, psychologically or emotionally
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Recovering from Rhinoplasty
Open rhinoplasty patients wear a splint for around 7 days post-surgery to protect nasal structures as they heal. Bruising and swelling around the eyes is common, fading after a month. Numbness in the lips and teeth may last up to 2 weeks.

Once the cast is removed, patients can resume wearing makeup. However the nose continues refining for 12-18 months. Recovery typically spans 2-4 weeks, avoiding strenuous activity.

With less tissue disruption, closed rhinoplasty patients recover faster — typically returning to normal routines in 2-3 days and work in 5-7 days. Swelling and bruising are also minimized.

Liquid rhinoplasty patients can often resume most activities immediately, though injection inflammation and marks may be visible temporarily. No downtime is needed for paralysis rhinoplasties.

Recovery dynamics vary based on surgical factors. Checking our complete guides helps set realistic expectations for your procedure type and aftermath healing.
Before your procedure
Patients should be evaluated before rhinoplasty procedure to:
  • Verify medication and allergy history
  • Discuss aesthetic goals and motivations thoroughly
  • Closely monitor current substance and prescription drug usage
  • Carefully determine optimal surgical approach for patient needs
Typical pre-op guidelines may potentially include:
  • Avoiding blood-thinning drugs like ibuprofen several weeks pre-procedure
  • Refraining from smoking at least two weeks prior
  • Preventing UV damage from recent sunburns beforehand
  • Readily preparing nasal spray, lip balm and stool softeners
  • Confirming the use of general anesthesia, IV sedation or topical agents
Common postoperative rhinoplasty instructions often cover:
  • Expecting a gradual decrease of nasal drainage long-term
  • Gently sniffing, not forceful blowing of nose up to 2 weeks
  • Widely opening mouth when needing to audibly sneeze
  • Consistently icing cheeks and eyes initially to control swelling
  • Frequently moisturizing incisions to keep nasal tissue hydrated
  • Sleeping propped up with extra pillows about 48 hours
  • Restricting repetitive animated facial expressions
  • Brushing teeth ultra gently with very soft bristles
  • Limiting motion of upper lip area as it mends
  • Avoiding sex, gym workouts and strains weeks after
Different types of Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty utilizes various techniques to reshape noses and potentially improve breathing functions. Procedures range from invasive surgery to non-surgical methods focused on aesthetic refinement.

Common surgical approaches include septoplasty, which straightens a deviated septum to alleviate obstruction. It's often combined with rhinoplasty for comprehensive structural corrections.

There are also open, closed, and endoscopic rhinoplasty techniques. Open uses an incision under the nose for direct access to cartilage and bone. Closed keeps all incisions inside the nostrils. Endoscopic relies on a thin camera to allow wholly internal reshaping without external cuts.

Each variant carries unique pros, cons, invasiveness levels, recovery factors, scarring potential, and customization capabilities regarding achievable corrections. Ongoing advances continue shortening healing times and reducing risks.

The optimal methodology depends on a patient’s specific anatomical challenges and personal goals. An experienced, artistic surgeon will advise the best approach to safely deliver outcomes aligned with the individual’s expectations.

From subtle nonsurgical tweaks to dramatic surgical transformations, rhinoplasty offers countless options for refining nasal aesthetics and function. Patients now have more choice than ever to fulfil their desired vision.
Open Rhinoplasty
Open rhinoplasty is a type of nose surgery that allows the surgeon to fully expose the nasal anatomy. An incision is made under the nose between the nostrils. The skin of the nose is then lifted up so the surgeon can clearly see the cartilage and bone. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area during surgery.

With full access, the surgeon can precisely reshape various structures like the nasal tip, straighten a deviated septum, remove bumps on the bridge, and other improvements. The septum is the wall dividing the nasal passages - fixing deviation here is called septoplasty. Modifying projection, rotation, shape or other aspects of the nasal tip can significantly change its appearance. Various reductions or fractures of the nasal bones can also be performed to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome.

The open approach allows the surgeon to directly see all anatomical structures through the exposed access underneath the lifted nasal skin. This allows for very precise modifications given the unobstructed view compared to closed rhinoplasty techniques.
Closed Rhinoplasty
In closed rhinoplasty, the incisions are made inside the nostrils, leaving no visible external scars. It is less invasive than open rhinoplasty since the skin is not lifted up. There is also usually less swelling post-surgery with this approach.

However, the lack of direct access limits what can be achieved compared to open rhinoplasty. The surgeon must work through the nostrils with more restricted visibility of the nasal anatomy. While the skin and tip can still be modified, it is more challenging to execute precise structural changes.

Overall, open rhinoplasty allows better visualization and access for the surgeon. More significant structural and aesthetic changes are possible. The tradeoff is a small external incision and potentially longer recovery from swelling. For minor revisions or preservation rhinoplasties, closed techniques may suffice. But for major revisions or structural improvements, open rhinoplasty produces superior outcomes despite a barely visible scar and recovery.
Endoscopic Rhinoplasty
Endoscopic rhinoplasty utilizes an endoscope - a camera on a tube - to visualize the inside of the nose during a closed rhinoplasty procedure. This technique usually results in less swelling compared to open rhinoplasty.

However, there are questions about whether endoscopic techniques actually improve surgical outcomes over standard open approaches. Some criticize "3D high-definition endoscopic rhinoplasty" as being misleading marketing language without evidence of superior results.

Patients should verify the credentials of any surgeon they consider. Board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery provides assurance of proper training. In general, rhinoplasty outcomes are better when the surgeon has direct visualization rather than operating via a remote camera. Though endoscopes can be useful tools, open rhinoplasty still allows the most precise structural modifications to reshape the nose.
Ethnic Rhinoplasty
Ethnic rhinoplasty refers to nose surgery aimed at altering ethnic features to attain a more stereotypical "Western" appearance. It is commonly sought out by those of Asian, African, Middle Eastern, Jewish, and other ethnic backgrounds who do not naturally have slim, narrow, pointed nasal traits.

The procedures focus on reducing width, adding projection, and increasing the height or bridge of the nose to garner a more angled profile. This often involves harvesting rib or ear cartilage as grafting material to build up desired areas.

Surgeons may utilize either open or closed rhinoplasty approaches to reshape the nasal anatomy. On social media, results tagged as #EthnicRhinoplasty display narrowed, lifted noses transformed towards Western beauty standards.
Revision Rhinoplasty
Revision rhinoplasty refers to a second, third or subsequent nose operation aimed at correcting issues from prior unsuccessful procedures. Patients may seek revisions due to asymmetry, breathing problems, or simply unsatisfactory aesthetic results from their original surgery.Reoperative rates in rhinoplasty are not insignificant, especially when the initial surgery was improperly performed by discounted or unqualified surgeons. Reality TV often depicts extreme cases needing complex reconstruction.

To address underlying problems, revision rhinoplasty may use cartilage grafts from areas like the ribs, ears or septum to rebuild structure. The open approach offers the best exposure of anatomical issues and deformities to aid the revision process.

While primary rhinoplasty already requires advanced techniques, revisions present further challenges. Proper patient selection and surgical skill are paramount to achieve improved outcomes. Patients should thoroughly vet any surgeon they consider to avoid compounding previous botched results.
Youth/Teen Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty in pediatric patients under 18 requires parental consent. Surgeons generally wait until the teenage years when nasal growth has stabilized - around 13-14 years old for girls and 15-16 years old for boys.

According to 2017 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, teenagers age 13-19 made up 1% of overall cosmetic surgery patients. However, rhinoplasty was the most common procedure for this age group, with over 30,000 teen nose reshaping surgeries performed that year.

The timing aims to avoid operating on still-developing facial structures. For young women, it is often recommended to wait about one year after menstruation begins. For young men, cessation of vertical growth can help determine readiness. Both open and closed approaches may be utilized on teenagers, depending on the individual case.

While still relatively uncommon in teens, these statistics indicate parental attitudes shifting towards allowing youth access to appearance-altering procedures prior to adulthood if desired.
Rejuvenation Rhinoplasty
Rejuvenation rhinoplasty targets age-related changes in nasal anatomy. Over time, the nasal tip can begin to droop or over-lengthen due to gradual cartilage growth. The bridge may appear more prominent as well.

This procedure aims to recontour an older nose to create a more youthful, balanced profile. Potential goals include rotating and lifting a descended tip, reducing enlarged cartilage, refining an overprojected tip, or shaving down a widened bridge.

While the facial bones stop growing with adulthood, nasal cartilage continues expanding with advanced age. Rejuvenation rhinoplasty sculpts this tissue to reverse signs of aging. It can restore harmony to a nose that appears out of proportion due to gradual cartilage enlargement over the years.

Along with treating functional issues, this rhinoplasty technique helps older patients achieve facial rejuvenation and a nose better suited to their youthful self-image. It represents a proactive approach to aging rather than just acceptance.
Liquid Rhinoplasty
Liquid rhinoplasty is the name given to non-surgical nose jobs that use injectable dermal fillers to change the shape of the nose. Liquid rhinoplasties do not use scalpels to change the appearance of the nose. The dermal fillers commonly used include Restylane®, Perlane®, Juvederm®, and Radiesse®. Once injected into the nose these fillers instantly change the nose’s shape and appearance. The former three fillers are comprised of hyaluronic acid, a natural compound found in the body that tends to reduce with age. Radiesse® is made up of a synthetic biocompatible substance that is more difficult to shape but is longer lasting.

During liquid rhinoplasty, a patient who seeks a more prominent profile may have injectable fillers placed in the bridge of the nose to give it a bit more definition or height. Based on the desired effect, the individual may have up to 1 cc of filler injected into their nose with a needle during the minimally invasive procedure to fill depressions or indentations or to create height when desired.

The benefits of liquid rhinoplasty include the fact that the nose shape is immediately changed, without waiting for the nose shape to form over time like during nasal surgeries. However, the instant results with liquid rhinoplasty are not permanent.
Muscle Paralysis Rhinoplasty
Muscle paralysis rhinoplasty utilizes Botox injections to modify the appearance of the nose non-surgically. Botox can relax muscles around and within the nose to smooth wrinkles that cast shadows and alter perceptions of nasal contours.

Specifically, Botox can target the depressor septi muscles that pull down the nasal tip and flare the nostrils. Paralyzing these fibers allows the tip to lift for a more refined profile without surgery. Reduction of bunny lines, which crease the skin on nose crinkling, can also streamline the bridge aesthetically.

By altering key muscles that influence nasal motions and wrinkling, Botox reshape the nose through strategic paralysis. It provides more subtle modifications compared to structural rhinoplasty, and results last 3-6 months until muscle action returns. Some patients utilize these ongoing injections as a non-permanent nose job alternative. However, surgical approaches still prove necessary for major shape changes.
Evaluating Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty can provide significant improvements both aesthetically and functionally when properly performed. However, all variations carry sets of advantages and disadvantages to weigh.

Open rhinoplasty allows the greatest access and control over reshaping but has a longer recovery and a small visible scar. Closed avoids external scarring but limits complex structural changes. Less invasive injectable or liquid nose jobs offer temporary, non-surgical effects without major downtime.

The ideal technique depends on individual nasal anatomy needs and cosmetic goals balanced against tolerance for surgical recovery. There are also considerations unique to age group or ethnic background to account for.

Any rhinoplasty method, while potentially rewarding, remains a serious operation with attendant risks common to plastic surgery if proper surgical standards are not adhered to. Potential complications underscore the necessity for board certified surgeons rather than budget alternatives. When carefully planned and executed, visible improvements to self-image and quality of life make rhinoplasty a worthwhile choice.
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Like any master craftsman, we do what we do, because we love what we do. Our work is made more fulfilling by the fact that each and every one of our patients, can walk away with a new spring in their step and a more confident way of living their lives.
Los Angeles, US
Amazing!! He is incredible and I consider Dr Bran the best in his field. I am nervous about needles and Dr Bran is so chill and calming I didn’t even know it was happening. The efficacy of service was beyond my expectations and I would come back for life if I lived in the same country as Dr Bran so sadly I have to make it only when I am in town.
Los Angeles, US
Amazing!! He is incredible and I consider Dr Bran the best in his field. I am nervous about needles and Dr Bran is so chill and calming I didn’t even know it was happening. The efficacy of service was beyond my expectations and I would come back for life if I lived in the same country as Dr Bran so sadly I have to make it only when I am in town.
Los Angeles, US
Amazing!! He is incredible and I consider Dr Bran the best in his field. I am nervous about needles and Dr Bran is so chill and calming I didn’t even know it was happening. The efficacy of service was beyond my expectations and I would come back for life if I lived in the same country as Dr Bran so sadly I have to make it only when I am in town.
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Nose FAQs

What can complement ethnic rhinoplasty surgery?

Other beneficial procedures that can complement ethnic rhinoplasty surgery include chin surgery, buccal fat removal or eyebrow surgery. In order to find out more you should book a confidential consultation with Mr. Bran. As an expert in facial plastic surgery, he will be able to answer all of your questions and explain the details of your tailored procedure.

Will I have noticeable scars after rhinoplasty?

One incision is placed across the columella, which is the skin under your tip, between both of your nostrils. In selected cases, whenever the width of the nasal base is reduced, additional incisions will be placed inside the nostrils, extending into the natural fold underneath your nostrils. You will receive instructions how to take care of your scars on a daily basis. As the scars continue to mature they will become barely visible. Mr. Bran wrote his PhD on scars and continuously improved his surgical techniques in order to create the least noticeable scars.

How long is the recovery after ethnic rhinoplasty?

We advise our patients to plan enough time for their recovery. The minimum after any rhinoplasty are usually 10-14 days. In this time, you should expect swelling around your eyes, your cheeks and lips. Most of the swelling will usually resolve over the two weeks. Due to the delicate nature of our nose, residual swelling can take up to 12 months to fully settle. You will receive a guide what to do and what to avoid in the first weeks after your procedure. Cooling packs may be applied within the first days and you will be advised to rest with an elevated position of your head. After 6-7 days the sutures used to close the incisions will be removed. The cast on the back of your nose usually comes off on day 10. Patients can go back to their daily activities approximately 14 days after surgery. We advise our patients to avoid strenuous activities or exercise completely for 3 weeks after surgery.

Does ethnic rhinoplasty require general anaesthetic or hospitalisation?

Hairline lowering, also known as forehead reduction is a surgical procedure that aims to correct an overly high forehead by bringing the hair-bearing tissue of the scalp forward. It reduces the height of the forehead and thereby improves the overall balance of the facial proportions.

Do you accept out of town patients?

We feel very privileged for having patients that are willing to travel “the extra mile” in order to experience expert care in a private and convenient setting. Our team warmly welcomes out of town and international patients and will gladly assist you to ensure your surgical experience is worry-free and safe. In order to accommodate our out of town patients we offer virtual consultations prior to surgery, as well as concierge plastic surgery services.

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