The lip lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery that gives patients fuller, more youthful-looking lips. It works by reshaping the upper or lower lip through repositioning to a more favorable placement. After a lip lift, patients display more of their teeth when smiling due to the lip's new raised position.
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Lip Fillers or Lip Lift?
Lip lift surgery is an outpatient procedure where a plastic surgeon makes cuts in the lip area to reshape, reposition, and add fullness to the lips. Since a lip lift usually requires only local anesthesia rather than general anesthesia, it involves minimal pain.

While millions know about soft tissue fillers like Juvederm or Restylane hyaluronic acid injections that temporarily plump lips, fewer are familiar with lip lift surgery as a permanent lip enhancement option. Patients seeking longer-lasting results compared to injectable fillers are opting for lip lifts.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons' 2017 statistics, 29,797 non-injectable lip augmentation procedures occurred in 2017 - a 5% increase from 28,430 in 2016 and 60% more than the 18,589 in 2000. Meanwhile, lip reductions dropped to 1,065 in 2017, down 70% from 3,547 in 2016.

Compared to fillers, lip lifts may better suit patients who react poorly to filler substances or want to avoid the overdone "duck lips" look. As people age, lips lose volume and elongate. However, even younger patients can benefit from a procedure that lifts the upper lip and reveals more teeth, especially if their smile hides their top teeth.
Lip Lift Pricing
Lip lift prices have significant variability depending on the technique used. An upper lip lift typically runs £800-£2,400, typically. However, based on the type of lip surgery and whether it's paired with other procedures, costs differ widely.

Overall, lip lifts range from £80-£5,600, with the average cost listed as £2,620. The surgeon's experience and geographic location greatly impact pricing. Specifically, an upper lip lift costs around £2,560, a corner lip lift is £2,240, and an upper plus corner lip lift together averages £3,960.Expect total fees of £1,600-£4,000 for a lip lift. If extra augmentation like silicone lip implants is involved, prices rise further.

Insurers usually classify lip lifts as cosmetic instead of medically necessary, unless correcting a birth defect or injury. Confirm financing options with your plastic surgeon to help manage out-of-pocket expenses.
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When you choose to have surgery with us, you embark on a journey with a team that has your best interests at heart. Not only will we guide you through the process, but we’ll make sure that you understand everything, each and every step of the way.
Preparing for your Lip Lift Surgery
In the days and weeks leading up to your lip lift procedure, be sure to follow these important recommendations:
  • Stop eating or drinking anything for at least 6 hours prior to surgery. Going into the operation on an empty stomach can help prevent complications from occurring while under anesthesia.
  • Refrain from smoking for 1 month total - 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after - because smoking severely restricts blood flow, delaying healing. Quitting well in advance allows proper circulation to be restored.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption for 48 full hours before surgery, as mixing anesthesia with alcohol intensifies the effects and can be dangerous. Let any alcohol fully clear your system beforehand.
  • Cease taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or other medications considered blood thinners for 14 days pre-op, reducing bleeding risks. Always check with your surgeon about stopping any current prescription drugs.
Once your lip lift is complete, dedicate time for self-care and follow these post-procedure guidelines:
  • Set aside 24 hours post-surgery for quiet rest before normal activity. Use this period to recover your strength.
  • Hold off on exercise for 1-2 weeks, allowing the lip area time to fully heal without disruption, tears or reopened wounds. Light walking is often permitted after a few days.
  • Stick to a soft food diet without spice, salt or heat for at least 48 hours, when swelling peaks. Chewing difficulty is common.
  • Sleep on your back with head elevated for a week, never directly on your face/lips. Adds pressure can undo surgical results.
  • Avoid all heavy lifting, bending over or straining for 72-96 hours as this can worsen swelling and fluid buildup. Take it very easy.
  • Carefully brush with a child’s toothbrush and rinse mouth after meals for gentle cleaning.
  • Use diluted hydrogen peroxide on incisions 1-2 times a day to prevent scabbing and infection as it heals.
  • Consume Arnica, Bromelain and Vitamin C to address bruising, inflammation and boost recovery.
  • Apply lip balms consistently for moisture. Vaseline and Carmex are common recommendations.
ideal candidate
What makes an ideal candidate for Lip Lift Surgery?
Hairline lowering surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis. The hairline lowering procedure takes about 2 hours.

An irregular trichophytic incision is made behind the first two rows of the existing natural hairline during the operation. Hair can grow back through the scar using this opening. Then, the scalp is pushed forward and raised to create the desired forehead height.

The incision is closed in layers in order to create very fine sutures along the hairline to avoid a noticeable scar. Deep sutures anchor the new hairline in place and a hairline lowering bandage is applied. Patients can typically remove the bandage the next day after the procedure, and no further bandages are usually required.
  • Those seeking a more balanced and youthful smile by modifying the upper lip line
  • People pursuing facial procedures related to gender transition
  • Patients with an overly long area between the nose and top lip
  • Individuals whose lipstick tends to feather outside the lip line
  • Those who want to soften a downturned mouth appearance
  • People aiming to better proportion their upper and lower lips
  • Those desiring lifted and subtly fuller looking lips
  • Patients who prefer a permanent surgical approach over temporary fillers
  • Consumers wanting visible, long-lasting results right after surgery
  • Candidates with enough upper lip skin for the procedure
Those who should take caution or might not be ideal lip lift candidates include the following:
  • Patients with active oral infections, such as cold sores
  • Those unwilling to accept potential visible scarring, though scars are often small and hidden
  • Smokers who cannot refrain during the surgical period
  • People with medical conditions impeding proper healing, like diabetes or clotting disorders
side effects
Potential Side Effects of a Lip Lift
While lip lift surgery is frequently successful, patients should be aware of potential risks such as infection, unsatisfactory cosmetic results, wound separation, and scarring. Proper precautions taken by the surgical team reduce these risks.

To prevent unwanted outcomes, men may need pre-surgery electrolysis to avoid unexpected hair growth. Patients with prominent philtral ridges may require thinning to prevent an unnatural look after surgery. Less common side effects include numbness, blood clots, or fluid build-up.

When performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, lip lift surgery offers rewarding, aesthetically-pleasing results for most patients. However, discussing potential complications beforehand and following all pre and post-op instructions carefully can help reduce surgical risks. Though adverse events are uncommon, individuals considering this procedure should weigh the benefits versus potential side effects with their surgeon.
Techniques used for Lip Lifts
Modern lip lift techniques have evolved considerably and now offer greatly improved results compared to older procedures. In the past, surgeons focused mainly on incisions along the vermillion border of the lips (the edge where lip liner is typically applied). However, this often led to a less defined lip border that required the use of more makeup.

Today's advanced methodology modifications provide more aesthetically pleasing outcomes for patients in most cases. There are several lip lift approach options, as described below.
The Direct Vermillion or Gullwing Lip Lift
The so-called "vermillion advancement" or "gull-wing" lip lift removes excess skin from the upper lip area in a curved shape resembling a seagull in flight. This targets the segment where the pale "white roll" portion of the lip meets the red colored part. Individuals with an excessive white lip area can undergo reduction to create better symmetry with the lower lip and proper positioning of the vermillion border.

While effective in some patients, the gull-wing procedure does involve an incision along the upper lip line. Resulting scars may necessitate consistent makeup to conceal. Patients need adequate excess skin for success and should expect permanent upper lip enlargement plus a fine scar at the lip edge.
The Subnasal "Bullhorn" Lip Lift
Another choice is the "bullhorn" subnasal lift. As the name denotes, it eliminates surplus skin from beneath the nostrils in a curved shape similar to bull's horns. A small incision under the nose can shorten an elongated upper lip area for individuals with excessive non-red zone below the nostrils.

The technique lifts and secures the underlying skin to tissue over the nasal base bones. This causes the red part of the lip to roll outward into a fuller pout and may expose more of the upper teeth. Subnasal lifts can provide similar rejuvenation effects as other methods.
The Modified Upper Lip Lift
The modified upper lip lift is similar to the subnasal method, but rather than removing skin only under the nose, incisions are placed deeper inside the nasal mucosa. This internal scar eliminates the need for an external bullhorn-shaped excision.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Ben Talei pioneered this updated approach, which reduces nostril widening risks since cuts are within the natural underside crease. Elevating the endonasal flaps also enables tension-free closure internally with less lift loss and scar movement. As the closure is not visible externally, healing is improved. The access points can dual serve for concurrent rhinoplasty.

A potential side effect per the Aesthetic Surgery Journal includes disruption of the nasal sill base. However, an expert, board-certified surgeon meticulously performing the procedure can greatly reduce adverse events. When done properly, the modified lift achieves similar rejuvenation as traditional techniques - increasing tooth and pink lip exposure for a refreshed, youthful appearance.
The Corner Lip Lift
The surgery also improves the look of “drool grooves” - the angled lines running down from the mouth corners toward the jaw. The wedges excised from the oral commissures leave incisions along the outer vermillion border at each corner.

Corner lip lifts work especially well for younger patients without extreme sagging. Older individuals should be assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine efficacy for lifting mouth corners. When suitable candidates are selected, the technique can successfully transform a mouth area that otherwise looks pulled downward.

A corner lip lift can benefit those with downturned mouth edges that create a sad or stern appearance. The procedure removes small triangular portions of excess skin from the outer lip corners. This causes the commissures to lift upward into a more youthful, upturned shape instead of a frowning expression.
The Italian Lip Lift
The Italian lip lift is similar to the bullhorn technique but with two smaller crescent-shaped excisions below the nostrils instead of one long incision. This allows for subtle lifting with less visible scarring for patients wanting a delicate change.

The Italian method creates a lift focused on the philtrum peaks and area under the nose. Specifically, it enhances definition and elevation of the philtrum ridges, which are the two columns of raised skin descending from under the nose to the upper lip area.

It also refines the nasolabial region right beneath the nostrils, lifting that area for a smoother transition into the upper lip. The precise small crescent excisions below the nose allow for targeted rejuvenation of the central upper lip contours and delicate structure in the nose vicinity.
Lip Lift Recovery
In the initial days post-op, be prepared for some swelling and tightness that may cause mild discomfort. Within about one week sharp reduction in swelling occurs. Nearly complete resolution happens by four weeks.

Keep these recovery tips in mind helps ease the process:
  • Prescription antivirals and antibiotics are often provided to ensure infections do not develop during recovery
  • Non-dissolvable sutures need to be carefully removed 5-7 days post-surgery
  • Patients may be recommended use of medicated ointments on incisions for proper healing and minimizing visible scars
  • Swelling and inflammation are very common, with a temporary enlarged nose and nostril look while healing
  • Redness and bruising of the surgical area may also commonly occur for several weeks
  • It takes a full six weeks to see final results of the lift
  • Utilize ice packs in the first few days to assist in minimal swelling
  • Take any prescribed or recommended pain medications as necessary for comfort
  • Minor wound eversion is possible, but the surgeon can offer advice on improving that condition
Long Term Results
As aging occurs, lips often appear to lose fullness and the upper lip can curl inward, looking even less plump. Many seek lip lifts to reverse these signs of aging. Younger individuals also utilize them to correct long-disliked lip issues.

Those prone to sun damage may experience premature upper lip lengthening at greater rates. Lip lifts provide more enduring enhancement than injectables for these patients.

In summary, the upper lip aesthetics are central yet often overlooked facial features that cannot be permanently enhanced through fillers. While hyaluronic acid or implants may suit some patients, no permanently malleable FDA-approved options exist yet.

Thus, lip lifts fill a gap between temporary fillers and permanent implants for patients desiring lasting refinement without certain implant risks like hardness or extrusion. Unlike transferred fats/fillers that the body may absorb over time, lifts reshape the lips' position for reliable persistence.

Consult your plastic surgeon regarding your unique case and options. Lip lifts offer a permanent way to regain a gracefully aging upper lip.
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“When you choose to have surgery with us, you embark on a journey with a team that has your best interests at heart.”
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Like any master craftsman, we do what we do, because we love what we do. Our work is made more fulfilling by the fact that each and every one of our patients, can walk away with a new spring in their step and a more confident way of living their lives.
Los Angeles, US
Amazing!! He is incredible and I consider Dr Bran the best in his field. I am nervous about needles and Dr Bran is so chill and calming I didn’t even know it was happening. The efficacy of service was beyond my expectations and I would come back for life if I lived in the same country as Dr Bran so sadly I have to make it only when I am in town.
Los Angeles, US
Amazing!! He is incredible and I consider Dr Bran the best in his field. I am nervous about needles and Dr Bran is so chill and calming I didn’t even know it was happening. The efficacy of service was beyond my expectations and I would come back for life if I lived in the same country as Dr Bran so sadly I have to make it only when I am in town.
Los Angeles, US
Amazing!! He is incredible and I consider Dr Bran the best in his field. I am nervous about needles and Dr Bran is so chill and calming I didn’t even know it was happening. The efficacy of service was beyond my expectations and I would come back for life if I lived in the same country as Dr Bran so sadly I have to make it only when I am in town.
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Lip FAQs

Is lip surgery very painful and does it cause bruising?

Minimal discomfort is expected. This includes swelling and minimal bruising. Any swelling or bruising should resolve after approximately 10 days.

How long do lip surgery procedures take?

Usually most of the lip surgery procedures take approximately 40 to 60 minutes to perform.

Does lip surgery require general anaesthetic or hospitalisation?

Most of the methods described above can be offered as a day case procedure, performed under local anaesthetic in our practice. If you are having a general anaesthetic for another facial procedure, lip surgery may then be combined.

Do you accept out of town patients?

We feel very privileged for having patients that are willing to travel “the extra mile” in order to experience expert care in a private and convenient setting. Our team warmly welcomes out of town and international patients and will gladly assist you to ensure your surgical experience is worry-free and safe. In order to accommodate our out of town patients we offer virtual consultations prior to surgery, as well as concierge plastic surgery services.

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